“Someday” is a tricky word. It’s laden with dreams, aspirations, and hopes. But hidden beneath its hopeful surface lies a risk — a risk of missed joy and unfulfilled potential.

Someday I’ll spend more time with people I love, someday I’ll start that hobby, someday I’ll change my job. Someday. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Sometimes, someday is a good option, but too often, someday becomes never. Yes, we kept the someday/maybe list as famous productivity author David Allen told us to do. And guess what, we’ve never done anything from that list.


And it’s not only about our big dreams and goals, it’s also about little things that we put off for some better time. Stuff we wanna use, conversations wanna have and simple joys we wanna experience.

Someday is the comfort blanket we wrap ourselves in when faced with the daunting prospect of taking action. Someday is a belief that the right moment is waiting for us in the future. While it may seem harmless to say, “I’ll do it someday,” this sentence prevents many from doing, starting, quitting, creating and enjoying. Someday might seem indefinite, but our life is definitely not.

So how do we break free from the trap of someday?

We can keep the awareness that someday might never happen and understand the things  we’re perfectly okay with never experiencing.

We can play a little “someday is today” game: use that fancy glassware reserved for special occasions, put on that special perfume, and start writing that poem you always wanted.

Yes, the answer is a simple action. Taking messy, gentle baby steps instead of waiting for the perfect moment to come. Living the days in bits and pieces. The days that will one day add up to your someday.

Maybe today is a good day to start living your someday.